How To: Multiply & Divide Numbers (Basic Elementary Math)

Adding and subtracting may be the easiest of mathematical operations, but once you get it down, multiplication and division can be just as easy. That's why it's called elementary arithmetic. If it were harder, it would be called college algebra or trigonometry. But it's not— it's basic math, and once you get your head around the numbers, you'll never hate math class again! (Okay, maybe you will.)

How To: Determine the empirical and molecular formulas for a compound in chemistry

In this free video science lesson from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan, you'll learn how to determine the empircal and molecular formulas of a substance given percent composition. Whether you need help studying for that next big test or could just use a hand finishing your homework, you're sure to be well served by this video lesson. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Use ">" (greater than) and "<" (less than) symbols

In this video the author explains how to identify the less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols and when to use them. She explains to us to relate the numbers to animals stating that the smaller numbers are smaller animals and bigger numbers are bigger animals. Now she tells us to imagine that smaller animals are eaten up by the larger animals. So she shows a smaller number comes on the left side of '<' sign and bigger number comes on the right side of '<' sign stating that the bigger number...

Classic Chemistry: Colorize Colorless Liquids with "Black" Magic, AKA the Iodine Clock Reaction

Want to make boring old colorless water brighten up on command? Well, you can control the color of water with this little magic trick. Actually, it's not really magic, but a classic science experiment known commonly as the iodine clock reaction, which uses the reactions between water and chemicals to instantly colorize water, seemingly by command. You can use different colorless chemicals to produce different colors, and you can even make the color vanish to make the water clear again.

How To: Find the perimeter & area of a complex figure

In this video tutorial the author shows how to find the perimeter and area of a complex figure. He shows that a complex figure can be subdivided into standard geometric figures. In the current example he divides the complex figure into a rectangle and a triangle. Now he computes the perimeter by adding the three sides of the rectangle and the two sides of the triangle. Similarly he computes the individual areas of the rectangle and the triangle and finally adds then up to find the area of the...

How To: Use and find x & y-intercepts in algebra

A straight line can be represented in the form of a liner equation containing two variables x and y. When the equation is graphed on a pair of coordinate axes, the line passes cut through the axes in two points. The point where the line cuts the x-axes is called as its x coordinate and the point where the line cuts the y-axes is called as its y coordinate. In this way a line has x-intercept and y-intercept. The x-intercept of a line lies on x axes and is in the form (a,0). Similarly the y-int...

How To: Use a TI-89 to calculate nCr

This video shows you how to do a mathematical representation on computing the nCr function using a TI-89 calculator. You can write the nCr notation in different forms. It can be simplified from nCr to C(n,r). The symbol can either be read "n choose r" or "n taken r at a time" which are from it's probability applications. On the example to find "26 choose 17", go to the Home screen of the TI-89 calculator and then go 2nd 5 which is Math. Go choose probability and then to nCr to type in (26,17)...

How To: Write a sum/difference of logarithms as a logarithm

To write the sum or difference of logarithms as a single logarithm, you will need to learn a few rules. The rules are ln AB = ln A + ln B. This is the addition rule. The multiplication rule of logarithm states that ln A/b = ln A - ln B. The third rule of logarithms that deals with exponents states that ln (M power r) = r * ln M. Using these three rules you can simplify any expression that involves logarithms to arrive at a single logarithm. The instructor shows how to apply these rules to a f...

How To: Graph a parabola properly in vertex form

This video shows viewers who are interested in mathematics how to graph a parabola whose formula is displayed in vertex form, or the form y=a(x-h)^2+k, where the vertex is (h, k). After determining the vertex, plot it on your graph. After graphing your vertex, your axis of symmetry would be x= h, or the x-coordinate of your vertex. The a value in your equation will act as your slope in this case, and your should graph the two points which correspond to this slope on your plot 1 unit away on e...

How To: Make boric acid from borax

This is a video tutorial in the Education category where you are going to learn how to make boric acid from borax. For this experiment you will need borax (disodium tetra borate) and conc. hydrochloric acid. Take 25 ml of hydrochloric acid and dilute it with 75 ml of water. Next take 6 - 7 gms of borax and dissolve it in boiling water. Now add equal amount of hydrochloric acid. Crystals of boric acid will start forming. They are completely insoluble in cold water. After about half an hour, fi...

How To: Do normal probability calculations on a calculator

Probability computation is a complex process and even using a calculator can be difficult. But normal probability calculations can be performed quickly with the help of calculator once you know how to use it. So when you have to calculate a probability from a normal distribution you can use the functions on your scientific calculator. You can use the normal CDF function from you calculator to compute the area under a normal curve. The function requires lower band and upper band values, the me...

How To: Make lightning with a spoon and a balloon

In this video, we learn how to make lightning with a spoon and a balloon. First, you will need to gather a spoon and a balloon. Once you have these, blow up the balloon then tie it on the end so it's sealed. After this, rub the balloon on your hair and then slowly move the spoon towards the balloon. Turn the lights out and watch what happens. You will see sparks of electricity start to appear between the balloon and the spoon! This is great to do with children or as a quick experiment to show...

How To: Find eigenvectors and eigenspaces of a 2x2 matrix

Need help figuring out how to find eigenvectors and spaces for 2x2 matrices in linear algebra? From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll see...

How To: Subtract mixed numbers with borrowing

This video teaches you to subtract mixed numbers with borrowing. Consider 2 mixed numbers. For example 8 and 2/7 and the other 5 and 4/5.You have to subtract 5 and 4/5 from 8 and 2/7. First you have to convert the fractions to their common denominator. To equate the denominators of these two fractions you have to multiply the first denominator with the numerator and the denominator of the second fraction and also multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction with the denominato...

How To: Find extra points for a parabola (quadractic equation)

This is a mathematical educational video on how to find extra points for a parabola. In the first two examples there is no need for finding extra points as they have five points and have zeros of the parabola. In example 3 we need to find extra points. The equation is y=4xsquare-4x+4. You can take x= -1 and get the value for y. You will get a point now. Similarly you can substitute -2 for x in the same equation and get the value for y. Now you get another point. Now you can draw the parabola.

How To: Find standard deviation

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to calculate the standard deviation of a data set. The standard deviation of a statistical population, a data set, or a probability distribution is the square root of its variance. To calculate the standard deviation, users will need to follow these steps. 1) Find the mean of the data. 2) Subtract the mean from each data point. 3) Square each of the values you got in step 2. 4) Then find the mean of the values you get from step 3. 5) Finally, square r...

How To: Write a slope-intercept equation given an X-Y table

In this tutorial the author shows how to derive a slope-intercept equation of a line given an X-Y table. He explains that the general form of slope intercept form which is y = m*x + b. Now he intends to find value of slope, i.e. m first. Now slope is change in y over change in x. He computes the slope using the X-Y values from the table. Next he substitutes a pair of x, y value in the equation to compute the value of y intercept b. Now finally substituting the values in the equation the slop-...

How To: Make iodine easily

In this video, we learn how to make iodine easily. You will need potassium iodine and sulfuric acid to make this. First, add the acid into the potassium iodine slowly. After you add in each part, swirl the beaker slowly so it gets mixed together. After you have added in all of the potassium, you will place this into a beaker filled with ice water while you add in more, because the mixture gets really hot. When finished, you will end up with a mixture that is iodine and nothing else. Fill with...

How To: Find a slope of a line parallel/perpendicular to it

This video tells you how to find a slope of a parallel / perpendicular to it. In the equation y = mx + c, m is the slope. To calculate the slope of a line that is parallel to another line, you have to consider the rule m1 = m2 which means slope of the first line m1 is equal to the second line m2, if both the lines are parallel. Take the equation y = 2/3x - 7.2/3 is the slope. According to the rule m1 = 2/3 and so m2 = 2/3.Now to calculate the slope of perpendicular line you have another rule ...

How To: Prove a triangle inscribed in a circle is right angled

When a triangle is inserted in a circle in such a way that one of the side of the triangle is diameter of the circle then the triangle is right triangle. To prove this first draw the figure of a circle. Now draw a diameter to it. It can be any line passing through the center of the circle and touching the sides of it. Now making this as the side of a triangle draw two lines from the ends of the diameter to a point on the circle. Now join the center of the circle to the other vertex of the cir...

How To: Find the slope of a line given 2 points with fractions

In this video tutorial the instructor shows how to find the slope of a line given two points with fractional values. To do this first name your two points as point 1 with coordinates as x1, y1 and point 2 with coordinates x2, y2. Then substitute the values in the equation of the slope which is slope m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). Now all you have to do is simply the fraction after substituting the point values. Be careful about the signs while substituting in the formula. Now finally after solvin...

How To: Convert temperature using y = mx + b

In this video the instructor shows how to do temperature conversions using y = m*x + b. Now if Celsius is represented by the variable C and Fahrenheit is represented by the symbol F, you can replace then in the previous equation in place of the variables x and y giving you the equation C = m*F + b. Now to solve for the values of the constants m and b you need to have values of two sample temperatures in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Take the first sample and substitute in the above equation gi...

How To: Add and subtract variables

Math Problem Generator gives a video about how to add and subtract variables. All you have to do is combine the coefficient, which is the number that comes before the variable. The numbers are added or subtracted but the variable remains the same. In the video, the example given is 9x + 6x - x. First you add 9x + 6x, giving you 15x. The equation is now 15x - x. If a variable has no number written in front of it, that means the value is 1. So the equation is 15x - 1x and that is equal to 14x.

How To: Make hydrochloric acid from salt

In this tutorial, we learn how to make hydrochloric acid from salt. First, you will pour some salt into a distil flask. After this, you will add in some concentrated sulfuric acid to the salt. Next, you will let these react with each other. You will start to see gasses bubble up and the excess hydrogen chloride gas come out through the top of the tube. To create a stronger reaction, you can add heat underneath the reaction. Then, test this by exposing it to ammonium chloride. If it's the righ...

How To: Find the standard deviation with the Z-Score formula

In this tutorial, we learn how to find the standard deviation with the Z-Score formula. First, take your problem and write it out one by one underneath each other. Then, you will need to substitute the numbers in for the variables that are in the problem. Once you do this, you will follow the basic rules of math to find out what the answer to the problem is appropriately. Once you have done this, finish off the problem to find the answer, then you will have found the standard deviation using ...

How To: Complete the square and solve the quadratic equation

In order to solve a quadratic equation by completing the square, take a quadratic equation and make sure that the coefficient of the first squared term in one. If it is not factor it by pulling the term out to get it to one. Now just write down the first two terms in side a bracket and after it add the third term. Now take the coefficient of the x term and take one half of it and square it and put that number back into the bracket. Now as you added a new number, to cancel it out subtract it f...

How To: Evaluate logarithms using a calculator TI-83

A video to help calculator users find the natural logarithm (log base e, or "ln") and standard logarithm (log base 10, or simply "log") of any number using a TI-83 calculator (works for any issue of the TI-83 calculator or even a TI-84 calculator). Turn on your calculator. To find the natural log of a number, press the "ln" button (the third button from the bottom left), enter the number you want to find the natural log of, press the ")" (closed parenthesis) button, then press enter. The same...

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