Quick video covering how to read a decimal. A decimal is a number with two or more digits to the right of a decimal point. You read a decimal by reading left to right and starting at tens instead of ones.
In this video you will learn directions for finding the side length of an isosceles triangle.Find the length of side a of an isosceles triangle with a height of 10 and a base of 8.
In this video you will see a demonstration of the volume of a cylinder compared to the volume of a cone.I filled up three cones and poured them into an equal sized cylinder.Watch what happened.
In this video you will see the formulas for area and perimeter visually presented. The shapes include a rectangle,square,circle, parallelogram,triangle, and a trapezoid.
In this video you will learn how to find the area of composite figures. In this video the composite figures are composed of rectangles,triangles, and semi-circles.
In this video you will learn how to subtract mixed fractions.I like to convert mixed fractions to an improper fraction, and then subtract the improper fractions.
In this video you will learn how to find the volume and surface area of a hemisphere.A hemisphere is half of a sphere.Think of cutting an orange exactly in half.Each half will be a hemisphere.
In this video you will learn how to convert units of measure using dimensional analysis.For example, 10,000 feet per hour equals how many miles per hour?
The ocean is a mysterious place. Humans have only explored 5% of it, and two-thirds of ocean species remain unknown. Just imagine what could be lurking in the deep. Today on ApexTV we look at the 5 most mysterious underwater sounds ever recorded. From mysterious sounds that could be from undiscovered creatures, to mysterious underwater sounds that sound like a train, the ocean is a very mysterious place.
In this video you will learn how to subtract mixed numbers two different ways. Method one uses regrouping, and the second method uses converting the mixed number to an improper fraction then subtracting.
Euclidean Geometry is the Geometry of flat space.It is based on the work of Euclid who was the father of Geometry.He proposed 5 postulates or axioms that are the foundation of this mathematical branch of Geometry.The 5 postulates are,It is possible to draw a straight line from any point to any point.
In this video you will learn how to solve one step equations with decimals.The video works one problem with division,one with multiplication, and one with addition and subtraction of decimals.
In this video you will learn how to solve basic one step equations that contain fractions.The video contains two examples in which you have to divide the fractions, and one in which you multiply the fractions.
The personal statement is the most important part of the college application and yet many applicants today continue to make mistakes in tone, content, or even topic.
Being admitted into Stanford or an Ivy League University is becoming more and more difficult every year. Admission rates at these top colleges have collapsed by on average of 50%. Watch the webinar to learn how to: